Knowledge of ceramics

History of CramicsKnowledge

From the beginning of ceramics to modern ceramics.

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History of ceramics

Here, the history of ceramics is explained from the beginning of earthenware. The present day is divided into three generations, and the characteristics of ceramics in each generation are briefly explained.

History of ceramics from the view of pottery.

Generation 1

The generation of pottery made from natural clay.

Burning temp. : about 800℃
Jomon-shiki-doki, Yayoi-shiki-doki, etc.
※The oldest in Japan is about 15,600 years ago which is the oldest class in the world.
Burning temp. : about 1100-1300℃
Seto-yaki, Iga-yaki etc.
※Its substrate has water absorbency and be able to use by painting glaze. Untranslucency, thick, heavy, and dull sound.
Burning temp. : about 1300℃
Arita-yaki, Imari-yaki etc.
※Its substrate does not have water absorbency. Translucenry, thin, light and metal sound.
Ceneration 2

The generation making ceramics industrially by refining natural materials.

After the Meiji era (1868~)

Invited German Wagner and absorbed European advanced ceramic manufacturing technology (developed in the Industrial Revolution).
The cement, glass (,iron making) industries have also been developed, and the production of refractories has been improved in both quality and quantity.
※ Representative ceramics of this period are insulators and spark plugs for automobiles.

Generation 3

The generation of making functional ceramics accurately with high-purified artificial materials.

After 1940's (Rapid development since 1980's)

Technology for industrial production of ceramics (fine ceramics) that has developed the precise functions and properties required by purifying raw materials and precisely controlling the composition, structure, shape and manufacturing process.

Electroceramics: Ceramics that are electronic parts with excellent electrical properties.
Bioceramics: Artificial bones and implants with enhanced biocompatibility.
Engineering ceramics: Ceramics incorporated into various industrial products and equipment.

Expanded information

Earthenware In Europe 6000-7000 years ago, advanced in this production technology.
Pottery Discovered from Egyptian tombs 5000-7000 years ago. Manufactured for the first time in China 4700 years ago. Japan has been popular since the Kamakura period.
Porcelain Completion of celadon porcelain technology in the Tang Dynasty and white porcelain in China. Go to Korea in the 12th century. Even in Japan since the early Edo period.

Glass The production begins 7000-9000 years ago. Mass production in Venice in the 11th century.
The technology improved in the 17th century, glass factories were established in various parts of Europe in the 18th century, and mass production began. Industrial production of raw materials in the 19th century.
In Japan, the method was introduced from the Netherlands in 1670. Sheet glass from 1909. Optical glass from 1917.

Cement In 1824, Portland cement patent in the UK. In Japan, cement industry began in 1875.


  • "Easy-to-understand story of Ceramics" (Nippon Jitsugyo Publishing) - transration from Japanese.
  • "All you need to know about Ceramics" (Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun,Ltd.) - transration from Japanese.